Photographs > Members Mystery Photos
Father's Class mates. Royal Arthur Class 207 (Rear of Photo)
Philip L:
Rear of photo. Royal Arthur Class 207.
It is saying the file (rear of photo) is too large. It is actually about the same as the front of the photo. I may try again some time. Do not understand.
My father, Norman Lock is 6th from your left in the rear row as you look at the photo.
There seems to be about 29 names on the rear of the photo. Some of the writing takes a lot to work out. But some clear ones are. W Robinson, Birmingham. Walter Potts, Macclesfield. FJ Mullett Birmingham.
Philip L
Philip L:
I have learnt or relearnt after a number of years how to resize a photo on my Microsoft program, using the three dots function. I have a photo of the rear of the Royal Arthur Class 207 photo with all the names of classmates. The front of this Class 207 photo, with names on the rear, was not as good a quality as the Class 207 photo I posted but it is the same photo (other than it was larger).
Philip L
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