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Author Topic: Lancaster with naval personnel  (Read 43493 times)


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Lancaster with naval personnel
« on: 29 January 2015 09:46:38 am »

I posted a comment on the web page dealing with the Lancaster in RN service.

Tony Drury suggested I post my query here. I was asked if I could identify the Lancaster pictured. It is unusual in being white and having 6 sailors posing in front. White Lancasters could be part of the Far East force of the RAF - eg 7 Sq at St Athan in 1945 with the Mk I(FE), or RAF MR3 versions, or perhaps the RAF/RN Joint Anti-Submarine School at Ballkelly. Naval personnel are known to have flown in JASS aircraft. But I wonder if this is one of the FAA 780 Sq Lancasters at HMS Godwit at RNAS Hinstock, although I have no photos of one to determine the colour. Rather than being "joy-riders", maybe these young men were observers under training. The three propeller badge indicates engineering mechanics, and at least one in the photo served in submarines in WW2. Would their rank be appropriate for observer trainees?

If anyone can identify the unit (FAA or RAF) or the place, I would be very grateful.

« Last Edit: 29 January 2015 10:12:48 pm by spooks1959 »
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