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Author Topic: HMS/M Unbeaten Research  (Read 23476 times)


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HMS/M Unbeaten Research
« on: 22 May 2012 09:18:18 pm »

My name is David JB Smith. I am a keen amateur Naval Researcher and would be author.

I have a family connection to a crew member of the World War II U-Class submarine HMS/M Unbeaten. I am two years into researching and writing a book about this important submarine. Seventy years ago this year His Majesty’s Submarine Unbeaten was fully operational in the Mediterranean and Home Waters. During her short two year tenure she returned to Malta many times symbolically flying her Jolly Roger. The soon to published book endeavours to highlight the varied triumphs and tragedies, events and sacrifices, of submarine life during WWII. This exciting testimonial brings together archived accounts from those who were there, combined with emotional contributions from family members of those who were lost. Included in the book are many never-seen-before photographs, alongside detailed U-Class submarine plans drawn by one of Britain's best-known and respected draftsmen, John Lambert.

If anyone has a family connection to the Unbeaten and wants to share memories, or can pass on any information about her, they would be greatly appreciated. Please see my website & blog for contact details.  Click on my webpage and Follow Unbeaten’s meticulously researched true story from Holy Loch to Malta, and back. Marvel at the crew’s valiant efforts towards ensuring the peace and freedoms we all take for granted today.

Exactly 70 years on this compelling and revealing book will encompass an extreme twist of fate which is entwined with an un-substantiated third party report.

These revelations could leave the final chapter open forever, and the last crew of Unbeaten still on patrol.

David J.B. Smith
Researcher & Author
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