One possibility:- Built as the Ss REDBREAST, a passenger cargo vessel by A & J Inglis Pointhouse Glasgow, Yard No 285, she was launched on Saturday, April 18th 1908.
Operated by G & J Burns Ltd Glasgow until requisitioned by the Admiralty for use as a fleet messenger in 1915.
While operating as a 'Q' ship in 1917 she rescued survivors from HM Troopship "Arcadian" on 15 April 1917, 411/2 kilometres north east from the island of Milo (Melos), which was torpedoed at 17:45 hours and sunk in only 6 minutes. She was carrying reinforcements for Egypt. REDBREAST picked up survivors in the early hours of the 18th.
Q-ships, also known as Q-boats, Decoy Vessels, Special Service Ships, or Mystery Ships, were heavily armed merchant ships with concealed weaponry, designed to lure submarines into making surface attacks. This gave Q-ships the chance to open fire and sink them. The basic ethos of every Q-ship was to be a wolf in sheep's clothing. Their codename referred to the vessels' home port, Queenstown, in Ireland.
She was torpedoed by UC38 on passage Skyros/Doro Channel in the Aegean Sunday, July 15th 1917.
Source & photo credit see:
Casualty list:
BARKER, Edward, Able Seaman, J 8604 (Ch)
BEATTIE, Edward, Gunner, RMA, RMA 13385
BROOKER, Arthur, Stoker 1c, K 23558 (Po)
BROWNE, Edward K, Wireless Telegraph Operator, RNR, WTS 432
CAMERON, John, Able Seaman, MMR, 782142
CAVE, William G, Able Seaman, J 16647 (Ch)
CHARLES, Richard P, Stoker, RNR, S 9048
CLAPP, Frank, Petty Officer, 185661 (Dev)
COATES, William H, Commander, RNR (ret)
DODDS, James, Stoker Petty Officer, 278667 (Dev)
DURBIN, John D, Stoker 2c, K 37648 (Ch)
FRY, James A, Able Seaman, J 23714 (Dev)
GOODWIN, Frederick S, Stoker 1c (RFR B 5585), SS 100513 (Ch)
GRUPPETTA, Lorenzo, Stoker, RNR (Maltese), F 704
HENTY, George, Petty Officer, 183130 (Ch)
HORROCKS, Frank, Ty/Assistant Paymaster, RNR
JOHNSTONE, Thomas, Officers' Cook 2c, L 9560 (Ch)
JONES, Henry, Stoker 1c (RFR B 3879), SS 103550 (Dev)
LINEHAM, Daniel, Stoker, RNR, S 7679
MACLEAN, Archibald, Ty/Sub Lieutenant, RNR
MAYBREY, James W, Private, RMLI, 16055 (Ch)
MCCLEAVE, George, Act/Stoker Petty Officer (RFR B 808), 143175 (Ch)
MCGILLVRAY, Angus, Able Seaman, MMR, 705510
MCKECHNIE, Archibald, Able Seaman, MMR, 908175
MCKENZIE, John, Able Seaman, MMR, 908153
MCPHEE, Hugh, Able Seaman, MMR, 710370
MONTGOMERY, Richard T, Ty/Lieutenant, RNR
NOLAN, Michael, Stoker 1c, SS 115511 (Po)
O’CONNOR, Michael, Chief Steward, MMR, (no service number listed)
O’SULLIVAN, Patrick J, Act/Leading Stoker, K 9476 (Dev)
RICHARDS, Albert, Act/Stoker Petty Officer, 219671 (Po)
ROBINSON, Charles W, Able Seaman, J 36752 (Dev)
SHIELDS, Austin L, Engine Room Artificer, RNR, EA 1470
SIMPSON, Harold, Ordinary Seaman, J 61445 (Po)
SMITH, Edward A, Stoker 1c (RFR B 4638), 296005 (Dev)
SMITH, Thomas L, Engine Room Artificer 4c, M 19401 (Ch)
TAYLOR, George, Able Seaman, J 29376 (Dev)
TURNER, William H, Chief Stoker (RFR A 2879), 141312 (Po)
VELLENDER, George, Lance Corporal, RMLI, 10212 (Ch)
WILKES, Frank J, Able Seaman, J 31036 (Po)
WILSON, Alfred J, Leading Seaman, 230912 (Ch)
WOOD, Harry H, Stoker 1c, K 6285 (Ch)
Source: World War 1 - Casualty Lists of the Royal Navy and Dominion Navies - 1st - 31st JULY 1917 earlier vessel named REDBREAST is pictured below: