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Author Topic: RN in China, late 1920s  (Read 18139 times)


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RN in China, late 1920s
« on: 23 March 2014 06:26:21 pm »

I have a book of 49 miniature photographs (sizes range from 4cmX7cm, to 7cmX10cm). I purchased them at a flea market about 20 years ago and have tried periodically to do research on them ever since. Some of the photos have inscriptions on the reverse (as if the photographer was sending them home) and some do not.

From the inscriptions, I know the following information about the photographer and his whereabouts:
-he knew a Miss Watts in 1920
-he knew someone at Penelope School (likely in the UK), and the Net Ball Team, in 1920
-he played for either the Seamens Team or the "Stocky" Stokers team (soccer/football or rugby) in Swatow in 1927
-the photographer was stationed in China (Wei-hai-Wei, Hong Kong, Swatow) from October 1927-November 1928
-he was possibly an officer (a CO?) and knew or served with men named Crawford, Cunningham, Drawbridge and Peterson
-he was on board both the HMS Sirdar D59 (on the Yangtze River, Oct-Nov 1927) and the HM Tug Cherub (Hong Kong, March 1928)
-the Sirdar was performing torpedos exercises (?) near Wei-hai-Wei in September 1928, about nine miles from the HMS Suffolk
-after serving, or on leave, he visited The Ocean View Inn; possibly North America, possibly in Maine

I am able to attach only 5 of the pictures in a single post, so I have attached the photos of the man that I believe is the photographer. If necessary, I am willing to email all of the photos if someone is able to help me.

Ultimately, I want to return these photos to any surviving family members. Saving that, I would like to donate these photographs to a Naval archive.
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