Personnel > Royal Navy

HMS Baldur

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I came across a reference to HMS Baldur from an earlier topic. I found it very interesting as my father served in the RN during the 2nd WW and was based at Reykjavik. He only ever made a few references including being based in Iceland and the reception at Russian ports. I do know that he was an AB signaller and served on corvettes. I do have his service certificate which lists the ships he served on. I have also a cutting from a magazine with the heading "a ten-day battle by two tugs during an Atlantic gale, whilst towing a 2,750 ton floating dock". I know my father was one of the seamen on the floating dock. He did say that they put names into a hat afterwards to draw for a medal. He didn't get one - not that he was bothered, he was just glad to be home. I believe this happened towards the end of the war but would like to know more as very little detail was given, though an artist has drawn a picture. I have looked at various locations for information but so far no look. Can anyone help please.

If it was 2,750 ton dock, then it would have been one of a class of eight such docks built in WW2

AFD.12 - based Scapa Flow 1940 - 45
AFD.17 - Based Reykjavik 1942 - 44, then 1944 towed to Sydney, Australia via Aden & India
AFD.18 - at Oban, Scotland 1942-43 then towed to the Mediterranean for 1943-44 then to Hong Kong 1945
AFD,19 - West Scotland 1943- 45
AFD.20 - at Greenock 1943-44 then towed to Malta 1945
AFD,21 - at Belfast 1943-45
AFD.22 - West Scotland 1943 - 45 then to India 1945
AFD.26 - built and served in India 1942 - 45

If he was at Baldur, then the likely dock would be AFD.17 which was towed by the tugs Lariat and Eminent in late-1944 from Reykjavik to the Med for onward movement to Australia


See also:

In addition to the info on the pages listed in the message by PhiloNauticus I am attaching an article about AFD 17. Sorry the quality is not good but this is how I received it when researching into AFD 17.

Dear all,
Thank you very much for your replies. I'm sorry I've not been back since but there were technical problems with the administrator sorted out for me.
Further to your information the two tugs were Saucy and Lariat. I have attached the drawing and article relating to the actual operation that my dad took part in.
I have looked at the information and pictures. None of the pictures have my dad in them.

The article is the only information I have. I cannot even remember my dad mentioning it, though he did talk about Reykjavik and the times they spent there. He did touch on about Russia and talked a little about being a signalman and the various roles he played. He could still do morse, though much slower. I know he reached AB seaman, but he used to joke that he would get busted down and have to rise up again. Whether he was joking or not, I'll have to send off for his records to check.

I've attached my dad's postings to help.

Any help would be appreciated.


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