Personnel > Royal Navy

HMS Baldur

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ps sorry, I did know that he served in Corvettes.


Can't see any corvettes mentioned in his service record.

That shows:

Excalibur  - New  Entry seaman training establishment at Alsager, Stoke on Trent

Rooke - Boom defence depot at Rosyth

Baldur-II (for Barbridge) - Baldur was the base at Hvitanes, Iceland; the ship served on was the Barbridge - a 730 ton 'Bar' class boom defence vessel

Pomona (for Barbridge) - Pomona was the boom defence depot at Scapa Flow, Orkney; Barbridge evidently moved there from Iceland

Rooke (for Barfoot) - Barfoot was another 'Bar' class BDV

Safeguard - Boom defence depot at Rosyth

Boom defence  vessels were specialist craft, with horns projecting beyond the bows and rounded sterns to facilitate the handling of nets and buoys that were used to provide a net or barrier to protect harbours.

His drafts are consistent with his specialist trade Boom Defence (on record as BDS)


Dear Philonauticus,

Thank you for your reply. Your breakdown is very interesting and I shall enjoy reading it all. However, my dad was very clear that he served on a corvette and that he was a signalman (flags and morse). He also spoke about the intense cold and icicles hanging from parts of the face. He mentioned at least once going to Russia and not being able to move off the dock. The Russians wouldn't allow them. He did mention firing depth charges.

Any ideas as to how this all fits in?

Dear PhiloNauticus,

I've attached a bit more of Dad's war record for your perusal.




... you might want to post that last one again...all that shows is a blank page!

All I can say about his service as shown, is that it does not reflect what you were told...  His rating is Ordinary Seaman / Able Seaman / Acting Leading Seaman, then back to Able Seaman, with the sub-specialisation of BDS = Boom Defence, and all his drafts reflect that.

If he was a Signalman or Telegraphist, then the ratings would show him with those rates...but they do not.

The one mention on the record I can see is a note "V/S" which suggests that he may have done a visual signalling course... but that was not his main trade.   

I must add that on the records shown so far, there is no hint of corvettes, or trips to Russia.


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