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Author Topic: Searching for my Grandfathers History  (Read 15164 times)


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Searching for my Grandfathers History
« on: 15 October 2014 02:13:02 pm »

Hello all,

I have attempted to undertake a project on the war experiences of my Grandfather, however unfortunately it has been very unsuccessful so far. Though i did talk with my grandfather about his war days as a young child i cannot remember any details, nor can my father, as my grandfather didn't like to talk about it. Over time any documents or information that we had has been lost.

The information i have is very limited:

His name was Robert Morrison Darnell (an unusual surname which might help the search), on the information that i have after his name appears A. B. (i assume this is for able bodied seaman ?) His service number is J X. 641017

He was awarded the Atlantic star, the 1939-1945 star, the war service medal and the Normandy campaign medal. I am pretty sure that he drove landing craft to the beaches during d-day. (All i can remember him saying on this was that he couldn't understand what all the landing British troops were doing carrying bicycles with them onto the beach)

Any suggestions on where i could find out further information on my grandfather or any information in general would be greatly appreciated. As i have been unable to find anything so far, i have looked at the MOD service record request forms but i don't think i even have enough information to fill that in properly and i would like to avoid the cost of it if possible.


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