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Author Topic: Tracing an Ancestor (Alive or Dead)  (Read 15551 times)

Capt Mike

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Tracing an Ancestor (Alive or Dead)
« on: 05 November 2014 03:20:43 pm »

On behalf of a friend, I am trying to trace an ancestor who served in the Royal Navy and would then like to obtain a copy of his service record.  However, to do that, I need a copy of his Death Certificate, but I cannot find any entry for his death in either the English or Scottish Registers.  He was born in 1925 and at the time of his marriage in 1943 was an "AB General Labourer"; I have his full name and service number.  Can anyone suggest other sources that I might try to determine whether or not he is in receipt of a service pension or not (i.e. alive or dead) and then either get a letter to him if still alive, or find out where he died should the latter be the case?
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