My father, Leading Stoker Albert Peach KX164198 service records give the bare bones of his history, could some kind person/people add more information so that I have more details about his early service history.
6th Jan - 9th Feb 1943 HMS Duke, Stoker 2nd Class. (New entry stokers ?)
10th Feb 1943 Passage. (Travel to HMS Drake?)
11th Feb 1943 HMS Drake (ex HMS Marshal Ney, shore base?)
12st Feb - 22nd Feb 1943 HMS Newcastle (Refit completion in HMS Dockyard, Davenport?)
23rd Feb - 1st Mar 1943 HMS Drake.
2nd March 1943 Travelling (?)
3rd March - 31st March 1943 HMS Drake
1st April - 23rd Sept 1943 HMS Spartiate (St Enoch's Hotel, Glasgow?)
24th Sept 1943 Passage (What is the difference between 'passage' and 'travelling'?)
25th Sept - 26th Oct 1943 HMS Duke
27th Sept Passage
28th Oct - 25th Nov 1943 HMS Drake
26th Nov 1943 - 5th Jan 1944 HMS Paris (former French ship, base for minesweepers, Plymouth)
6th Jan - 9th May 1944 HMS Paris (promoted to Acting Stoker 1st Class)
10th May - 15th May 1944 HMS Darke
16th May 1944 - 3rd May 1945 HMS Lothian (I have the history of HMS Lothian and the mutiny)
4th May 1945 - 12th June 1946 (promoted to Temporary Acting Leading Stoker)
13th June - 1st July 1946 HMS Drake
2nd July - 27th December 1946 HMS Imperiuse
27th December 1946 'Albert Peach was released to shore in Class A.
He seems to have been moved around a lot. Would he be allowed leave during his training period and before sailing on HMS Lothian?
For his time on HMS Lothian I have read 'Mutiny in Force X' by Bill Glenton.
I hope this is not to long but I would appreciate any information you can add. Thank you.