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Author Topic: HMS Prosepine & 'The Drifter Office'  (Read 16472 times)


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HMS Prosepine & 'The Drifter Office'
« on: 18 May 2015 11:25:21 am »

Hi All

This is potentially a long shot but who knows.

My Grandfather passed away alittle over 4 years ago. He was very reluctant to talk about his wartime service and most that we do know has been second hand and supposition from his brother and sisters.

What we do know is that he was working in HMNB Portsmouth before the outbreak of WWII as an apprentice.  Shortly before the outbreak of war he requested a transfer to sea duties, from here on the waters become very muddied.  It was believed by the family that he joined the Merchant Navy (certainly we have found a registration card in what maybe his name, signing on at Southampton).  However, he insisted that he immediately sailled to Scapa Flow and was based there onboard a water vessel (he always said it was the 'Fountain').  We now suppose that he must have been part of HMS Prosepine and 'The Drifter Office' and would love to know abit more about these 2 organisations.

My Mother and Uncle (his Daughter and Son) recently went to Scapa to scatter his ashes and that of their mother (who he met there when she was working as a secretary in ACOS), but did not manage to find much information at either the Museum in Lyness or the Archives in Kirkwall Library.  The family would be very grateful for any information, as this is a period in his life we know almost nothing about.
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