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Author Topic: St Helena - Telegraphists during WW2  (Read 25712 times)


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St Helena - Telegraphists during WW2
« on: 06 March 2017 09:43:19 am »

Hello, I am the editor of a journal called 'Wirebird' which is published by the Society of Friends of St Helena. I have recently come across part of a typewritten manuscript by a RN telegraphist named Robert Stephen who served on St Helena during WW2. The ms describes his life on the island during his service there. Robert died in 1981 and I have been in touch with his nephew who is his last surviving relative but he knows very little about Robert.  This is clearly a long shot but if anyone out there knew Robert or else served on the island during the war I would be glad to hear from them. My email address is: Thanks

Regards Colin (Fox)
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