Personnel > Service Records/Medals and Awards
Hello Everyone, I'm new here so I hope I've posted in the right place.
Is there someone who could shed some light on the abbreviations on my father-laws Naval record. In the field with the heading (ship in which serving) it says Invalided (14/2/45), the next heading (from) says (nil FSL) in the last heading (rating and discharge) is DNA3aR/E. I know he was invalided to RN hospital Chatham, but I can't find out what injury he had, my husband wrote for his medical records but they refused.
I do have his military record which are mostly shore bases, he was a Wireless Telegraphist, he joined as a boy 1937 and completed training for WT 1939 at HMS Ganges, but apart from a list of ships Royal Navy Command sent me it doesn't tell me anything. I would love to find out how he picked up the injury, my husband said he never talked about any of it, he said because they made him leave after the war. He was Clifford Charles Capes JX 154978
Thank you
FSL = Foreign Service Leave
Regret I cannot help with the last bit - although I would just add that these abbreviations are usually just for admin purposes, and usually mean little.... If you could post a copy of the service certificate it might help
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