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Author Topic: Hms Orlando Boxer Rebellion  (Read 13998 times)


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Hms Orlando Boxer Rebellion
« on: 17 March 2017 01:00:45 pm »

This is my first reguest for help, i am currently writing a book about my great grandfather Arthur Ernest Parrott Hood who served in the Royal Navy-Royal Australian-Australian imperial forces. now i was just checking where i got up to on the book. hms orlando boxer rebellion he thought there and was awarded the china medal with 3 claps now his brother Frederick George kemp Hood was also on the ship at the same time. and last night a came across a newspaper clip say that Frederick was dangerously injured in tientsin a able seaman this is news to me, i tried getting more information about this but no luck. was there a clearing station for injured or field hospital or where they treated on the ship i have his navy info from national archives and it doesn't mension anything about him been injured. was he returned to england what injury was it and any other news about the brothers would be cool so i can finish this book, every time i read through it something crops up thanks.
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