This shows that he completed his naval service 1954 – 55 on HMS Boxer – this was a radar training ship at this time
He is noted as being invalided out PUNS – Permanently Unfit for Naval Service
Under this there is very faint (pencil) notations which seem to record that he was found guilty of a charge of Contempt and disrated to Able Seaman in October 1942 onboard the Arethusa. This explains the change in discipline record I mentioned before – in the Navy Contempt means when someone “Uses threatening or insubordinate language to, or behaves with contempt to, his superior officer”
Under that, more faint writing seems to be a resumé of his progress after this – promoted back to Leading Seaman then to Petty Officer / to the RFR (Royal Fleet Reserve) / reengages etc
The bottom left hand corner are just notes of various admin forms being completed. It does show that he was discharged from Royal Navy Hospital, Haslar – no reason given
The Personal Description is obvious
Engagements – just a note of the dates he engaged and for how long etc
Under Clothing and Bedding ( a rarely completed box !) is noted his medal award –
He received the 1939-45 Star = Atlantic Star = Burma Star = Italy Star = War Medal
See; Bottom right are the Examinations – these are just notes of when he completed various professional courses and also shows the Home Address he was discharged to in Castle Road, Southwick, Fareham