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Author Topic: Help: Looking for a U.K. RN Petty Officer from 1964  (Read 18141 times)


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Help: Looking for a U.K. RN Petty Officer from 1964
« on: 04 November 2018 11:58:06 pm »

Hello! I'm searching for a Royal Navy PO who was stationed in HMCS Stadacona in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada approximately 1961-1964. His name is William H. Black, I have his Chiefs and PO's Membership Card.
Here is the information I have:

Born: approx. 1931 (+/- 5 years)
Service Number: P/MX 890778
Arrived or departed Stadacona on the HMS Auriga
Served on the HMS Maidstone/Dreadnought in 1965
Received an RN Long Standing or Good standing award/payment in November 1965

I've attached the images of the documents I have. I believe his records at TNA are closed until 2032. I've reached out to related Facebook groups, searched the National Archives collections &, and contacted the Submariners Associations in Canada.

Does anyone have advice on where else to look? Or happen to have spent time in Stadacona during this time?

Thank you!
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