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Author Topic: Grandfathers possible RN service help  (Read 19514 times)


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Grandfathers possible RN service help
« on: 17 October 2019 11:16:15 am »

I am new to this group and would be very grateful for any help or info that can be provided.
I have recently ordered my grandfathers (Cecil Whitehurst) service records (still awaiting) from the Army as our family has always been under the impression my grandfather served in the paratroopers as his son has his wings. He said he did jump training at Ringway in 1943/44 and that is all we know from him prior to his death. No service number is known.
I contacted paradata who kindly checked the records and found 1 person named Whitehurst who completed jump training at Ringway on course number 96. They also provided me with a service number P/JX389878  - Royal signals of 6th airborne. This I have discovered is a Naval service number. Paradata have advised some naval signallers were assigned to airborne units. I have now submitted a new request for my grandfathers service records using the new information to the Navy in the hope that records are found in either the Army or Navy!
I am wondering if anyone can shed any light on the above situation please?
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