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Author Topic: Cap Tally on WW2 - when did they change to ‘HMS’?  (Read 9517 times)


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Cap Tally on WW2 - when did they change to ‘HMS’?
« on: 12 May 2020 12:12:59 pm »

With lockdown I’ve been looking at some of my late Dad’s RN ‘stuff’. He had a camera (was he a naughty boy?) and this has posed the following question which hopefully someone can answer.
My Dad joined the Royal Navy aged 17 in 1937. I have his exam paper to become a Submarine Detector which he took at HMS Osprey on, of all days, Monday 4th September 1939, the day after War was declared. I bet was a buzz on there. He passed the exam and his log of ships shows he was posted to HMS Shearwater from 8 September 1939 to 3 September 1940.
Two of photos, got the negatives too, are of a group of sailors, including my Dad, at about 8’ from the camera. I’ve now noticed that those that have caps on have the tally showing ‘HMS Shearwater’ and not ‘HMS’.
Can anyone let me know when the tallies were changed to ‘HMS’ in WW2? Thanks
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