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Author Topic: Stoker P.E.F. Kelland KY94KY44  (Read 14945 times)


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Stoker P.E.F. Kelland KY94KY44
« on: 27 November 2014 10:15:28 pm »

Does anyone recognise this name!?

Philip Edmond Francis Kelland, sometimes only written as P.E. Kelland (although that was his father,) born 17 Dec 1917 in Johannesburg South Africa, joined the RN in his late teens.

His name appears on the passenger list of the Gloucester Castle which arrived in Southampton on 27th August 1938 from Beira, and his address was given as RN Barracks Portsmouth.

In 1942 he was still in the Royal Navy, living at the barracks in Simonstown, South Africa (source - Marriage Certificate).

In January 1945 he was a leading stoker in the RN, according to his second marriage certificate, and living in Durham, England.

In October 1948 he was a 'leading Stoker, Mech KX94844' and mentioned on "Devonport Ratings to take passage on Carnarvon Castle .... G Appropriation H.M.S. Nigeria.

However, he claimed to have been on three ships which were torpedoed during the war and survived! How do I find out which ships he was on and when?!

Although he is my husband's father, we do not have a copy of his death certificate (and getting one from South Africa is a MAJOR operation and I think I tried it once and my application just disappeared into thin air!) so cannot submit the forms to get RN records as the next of kin!

Is there any other route I can take?  The above ships appear to be just transporting him from one place to another!

Any ideas?

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