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Author Topic: HMS VINDEX  (Read 25776 times)


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« on: 07 December 2012 07:32:36 am »

I am enquiring if anyone could help me.
I want to know who I would have to contact, re the above ship.  My father served with the Australian Army in Papua New Guinea during WW11 and was transported back to Australia (arrived in Sydney) on 5 December 1945 aboard the VINDEX from Wewak in New Guinea.
I am the librarian for my late fathers unit association and as no history has ever been compiled about his battalion, I am endeavouring to piece together a Nominal Roll of those who served with his battalion.
What I am looking for is...Would there have been a Roll of all the Australian Servicemen who came home on that ship?  Who would be the keeper of such information?  If a Roll does exist what chances would I have of being able to obtain information from it?
Not all of the battalion came back on this ship, most came back afterwards.  The ones who came back on the VINDEX were a mixed bunch from different units and those who had earned enough points to allow them to return early.
I imagine the ship would have wanted details of those on board at the time.
Any information will be gratefully received.
From the land downunder,
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