Shore Establishments > Overseas Establishments
RN occupation of Heligoland 1807 - 1880
Lectori salutem,
I am in a quest for information on the 1807 - 1890 British occupation of the now German island Heligoland (aka: Helgoland). As a result of the Berlin Conference (1885), resulting in the Zanzibar - Heligoland Treaty, it was swapped with Zanzibar. I.e. Germany ended up with Heligoland and the British got Zanzibar in exchange.
I am looking for specific information on the size of the RN garrison during the 1807 - 1890 occupation, its mission(s), their interaction with the indigenous island population and how they fared while off duty. E.g.: was cricket ever played on the island? Etc, etc..
I have scanned most open publications (i.e. books), but all of these barely touch these topics.
Who has some relevant information on this?
Kind regards,
Erik Bouwmeester
Lt-col (rtd.) Grenadier Guards (RNLA)
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