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Author Topic: Grandad served in Royal Marines 1942-46  (Read 28638 times)


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Grandad served in Royal Marines 1942-46
« on: 28 September 2015 05:23:07 pm »

My first on this forum so I shall keep it brief and be guided by your answers...................
My grand-father served in the Royal Marines 1942-46 and I have just obtained copies of his service record.
 I have his Enlistment Notice which shows him called up for service in the R.M.'s in January 1942 (Conscriped I presume)? But would he have had a chocie of what to serve in? Was there a fitness test (he was 36!!!) go get into the R.M.'s  those days?


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Re: Grandad served in Royal Marines 1942-46
« Reply #1 on: 29 September 2015 11:50:25 am »

The National Service (Armed Forces) Act 1939 made all able men between the ages of 18 and 41 liable for conscription; They were, I believe, usually allowed to choose between the army, the Navy (incl. Marines) and the Air Force; if no choice was given then you were directed to one of the services.

There would have been a physical check when first 'called up', by a Doctor, but unless suffering from something serious, you would be passed fit.

By 1942 all males between 18 and 51 years old and all females 20 to 30 years old were liable to be called up, although not necessarily for the forces, but for 'war work', such as factories, farming, mines etc., unless in a 'reserved occupation'.
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