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Author Topic: Help with Grandfathers Medals  (Read 18231 times)


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Help with Grandfathers Medals
« on: 09 September 2018 07:31:18 am »


Can anyone help me with my grandfathers medals. I've attach a photo of the medals in there current state and would like to remove the ribbons etc to clean and reset them in order correctly.

Firstly would i be right by saying the bronze Bar with France and Germany should be on the War medal 39-45 and should be on the Atlantic Star? Also Rosette should not be used on the full size medals?

I have a photo of my Grandfather with six strips representing his awards on his uniform which show he had two Rosettes not one which i only have now. On the photo one is on the Atlantic star, now attached to the full medal and the other is on the Africa Star which seems to be now missing. Does this mean i should have a bronze bar also on the Africa star full medal.

I'm also told he was mentioned in Despatches during the Yangtze Incident on HMS London 1949, so was wondering if i should also have a bronze or silver oak leaf on the Yangtze 1949 medal?

I really would like to get his medals looking as they should and all in the correct order etc so any help you can give me will be very much appreciated.

Best wishes



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Re: Help with Grandfathers Medals
« Reply #1 on: 09 September 2018 10:35:20 am »

I am not an expert on medals, but can offer the following - I agree that the clasp with France & Germany should be on the Atlantic Star, not the 39-45 War Medal.
I believe the Rosette should be on the Medal Ribbon Bar, not with the medal
If he was recognised with a MiD for the Yangtse incident, he would have been entitled to a bronze oak leaf to be worn on the medal ribbon.  You should be able to check this, either with his Service Record, or in the Gazette

The order of wearing medals is usually in date order. For your grandfather's medals, I would think it should be =
1939-45 Star / Atlantic Star / Africa Star / Burma Star / Italy Star / War Medal / General Service Medal


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Re: Help with Grandfathers Medals
« Reply #2 on: 12 September 2018 06:51:23 am »

If he had a rosette on the Africa star then he is missing the North Africa 42-43 clasp

Equally the Burma star could also have a clasps- Pacific

Write to the mod (google claiming ww2 medal to get the form) fill it in and post

They will confirm all ww2 medals and wether mid for Yangtze.

Remove and clean then either remount swing fashion or court mount them.



Interested in researching ww2 and post war navy
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