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Author Topic: War Leica Cameras used by Royal Navy  (Read 21819 times)


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War Leica Cameras used by Royal Navy
« on: 07 February 2020 05:10:53 pm »

This is my first post, I collect, use and spread knowledge about classic and rare cameras. A couple of weeks ago came to my hands a curious Leica with a special Engraving "PATT 8665" That according to numerous books on history of cameras, is related to Royal Navy cameras built before or during WWII and used on war. The precedence of these cameras was from requisitions, donations or even imported via Sweden using Mosquito planes.
According to Leica Serial Number, 429707, was built in 1947 after WWII and here is the problem. Most experts and history books on Leicas or Military cameras state that Royal Navy only used these cameras during the war and no longer used or purchase after it. Though there are lots of Russian cameras forging this engraving, the precedence and use of this item make me believe that my camera is a real one but the only way to confirm it is to find any document that could relate Leica and the Royal Navy in 1947. I firstly contact in my research with Leica Archive as the have very detail records but sadly the 1947 records were lost.
As I can not find if Leica sold this camera after the war, I have to find any document that could prove  The Royal Navy bought this camera. But I do not know where to look for or where do I have to request these kind of documents.

I will be very thanked if anybody could know something about this matter that could help me on my research.
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