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Author Topic: HMS Urley  (Read 20449 times)

Chris C

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HMS Urley
« on: 19 January 2022 09:40:20 am »

Hi all,

I am hoping that someone will be able to assist me in identifying part of this station.

I am compiling a free book on the island's radar and radio sites and this one in particular is proving hard to find information on.

It is located to the north of the bomb dump and was built between October 44 and January 45.

Differing site maps make this as either a GCI or GCA site.

Having looked the building layouts there appears to be a picket post, generator building, substation and two other buildings.
One matches the layout of a Type 15 GCI operations block.

I have attached an aerial photo from 1945 that could show a radar head. The building has a corresponding cable exit at that end which matches the Type 15 GCI building.

I have trawled the local Public records office and museum.

If anyone has any information or leads that I could follow up it would be very much appreciated.


« Last Edit: 19 January 2022 09:45:32 am by Chris C »
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