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Author Topic: Moses Jenkins (1825-1891) Service Record  (Read 15509 times)

Ken Ripper

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Moses Jenkins (1825-1891) Service Record
« on: 29 June 2022 10:48:27 am »

I am looking for some help with half a dozen items on the service record of Moses Jenkins, as per the attached extracts. The National Archives has three record sheets under different numbers for Moses and I've worked out of most of it. Could somebody please help with these items? I hope it's not too much to ask and not too much of a challenge. Thank you.
Part 1, item "a" - What is the word in the rectangle? Moses was on Calliope when it was being towed out of Plymouth by a tug and he was on, or near, the unsecured capstan which shed its shafts and spun with calamitous impact on several men. Moses suffered contusions of the leg and, with others, was sent to the Naval Hospital. Calliope sailed for New Zealand in early April without Moses who was either still in hospital or considered unfit. How would he have acquired his ticket so that he would be paid?
Part 2, item "b" - I have interpreted this "S" as "Superior" Petty Officer and that this would enhance his pay. Have I understood this correctly?
Part 2, item "c" - What is the "W" an abbreviation for? The date (16 Dec 1861) on this and other entries on the record is usually about a week after the first date (7 Dec 1861) on the next posting.
Part 2, item "d" - This discharge has been accompanied by a "Letter". Would this be a standard document and what is the significance?
Part 2, item "e" - This discharge has been accompanied by a "State[me]nt". Would this be a standard document and what is the significance? Would this have anything to do with his change of status from Captain's Coxswain to Able Seaman?
Part 3, item "f" - What is "DSO" in this context? I guess the "DS" may be Devonport Services, but what about the "O"?
Thank you again for any help you can offer.


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Re: Moses Jenkins (1825-1891) Service Record
« Reply #1 on: 30 June 2022 04:26:02 pm »

This is a very early service record, and I cannot help with all of it but -

1 a – I cannot make out the word either;   don’t quite understand what you mean by ‘how would he have acquired his ticket’ ??    what ticket ??  He is shown as being borne on Calliope until 22 April and then the following day borne on Impregnable.  He was a Continuous Service rating and would have been paid as normal on Impregnable

2 b – I think you have misinterpreted SPO.   It does not mean ‘superior petty officer’.  Although I cannot explain the abbreviation, it would seem to be a reference – note the numbers that follow, so SPO 2/271 and later SPO 5/252, and they are associated with the issue of good conduct badges.  Probably a letter or order reference
Incidentally, the annual assessment of efficiency, which can be ‘superior’, does not mean more pay…

References to Letters and Statements probably refer to Discharge Letters or Discharge Statements, which I presume to be the written authority to discharge him from his ship. 

3 f – not DSO but DSQ –Discharged, Sick Quarters

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