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Books, Web Sites, and Associations => Book Lists => Topic started by: Philip L on 18 November 2023 08:04:19 am

Title: Manual OF Seamanship 1937 (Printed 1941)
Post by: Philip L on 18 November 2023 08:04:19 am
Manual Of Seamanship 1937. By Authority of the Lords Commissioners Of The Admiralty. Volume one. Printed 1941.

My father, Norman Lock, was in the British Royal Navy in WW2 between 1942 and 1946. Norman had this book which I now have. The condition of the book is not that good as it has obviously had a reasonable amount of use at some stage. Probably when Norman was in class 207, Royal Arthur with the Royal Navy in WW2. But it seems to be almost all readable. A couple of fold up picture attachments, such as a diagram of a ship with Mainmast shrouds, for example, and facts about Wain's Call (How it is used) are a bit torn up unfortunately.

I have shown the front of the book. The contents pages (The chapters in the book). Two random pages and pictures. Salutes in boats, page 58 and Flags and Pendants used in the international code. Ensigns (Man of war and Merchant) next to page 59 (Bends and Hitches). A Google search suggests that used reprints of the book may still be available.

Philip L
Title: Re: Manual OF Seamanship 1937 (Printed 1941). Fold up diagram attachements.
Post by: Philip L on 21 November 2023 08:17:39 am
Manual of Seamanship 1937 (Printed 1941). Fold up diagram attachments. All so Plate 9 (Alphabetical and Numeral flags used in Naval Signaling) and Page 42 (Semaphore).

Fold up attachments to the book shown were a bit torn up (The old book had some use). I have put them together the best I can just to give an idea what was in the book.

The Boatswain's call, How it is used, and some facts about it. This fold up attachment to the book is large (I have shown part of it) and it faces page 424.

Cruiser, Kent Class. Sketch of rig. To face page 352.

HMS. Resolution. Sketch of rig. To face page 352.

Philip L
Title: Re: Manual OF Seamanship 1937 (Printed 1941)
Post by: Philip L on 30 December 2024 09:37:57 am
Manual of Seamanship 1937. By Authority of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. Volume one. 1941 Edition.

Some more interesting examples.

Page 58 and Flags and Pendants used in the international code is already posted above. The Numeral Pendants, Substitutes, Code and Answering Pendant follows Page 58, and the Flags and Pendants used in the international code.

Ensigns. Man of war and Merchant then follows on next (After page 58). The last Ensigns plate (Man of war and Merchant) is already posted above with Page 59 (Bends and Hitches).

Plate 10 and 11. And Plate 12 with Page 39 follows Page 38 and Plate 9 (Alphabetical and Numeral flags used in Naval signaling). Page 38 with Plate 9 is already posted above.

Philip L