Dubbed the RN’S emergency service 1710 NAS has no air traffic control. No runway. No airfield. No pilots. No aircraft.
This unique unit was formed on May 27th 2010 by combining three existing organisations, the Mobile Aircraft Repair Transport and Salvage Unit (MARTSU), the Mobile Aircraft Support Unit (MASU), and the Naval Aircraft Materials Laboratory (NAML) and other smaller units, to form a single body tasked with recovering, sustaining and enhancing aviation and general military capability around the world.
Based in Portsmouth Dockyard
1710 NAS is the Ministry of Defence's centre of expertise for helicopter structural repair, service modifications and scientific
in support of UK military aviation.
Support it is organised into three separate sections:
Repair teams which are globally deployed to recover helicopters and Unmanned Air Systems in all theatres of operations and remain at immediate notice to move.
Service Modifications organisation designs, manufactures and assures industry standard aircraft modifications in support of urgent operational and safety requirements.
Materials and Monitoring provide recognised world class scientific and technical support to military and commercial aviation.
The Squadron is responsible for providing the full range of rapid aviation support for all three services, and teams can be deployed anywhere in the world.
Support for all aircraft types in service wit the Fleet Air Arm.
Commander C. Ling
Commander K. Whitfield
Commander P. Barker
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Records indicate that the Sea Otters issued at RNAS Lee-on—Solent were passed to 1701 Sqn which formed there on February 1st 1945. It is assumed that only squadron personnel embarked in KHEDIVE for passage, aircraft, equipment and stores being issued on arrival in India.
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