Left: Unofficial badge & motto, Right:
Official Admiralty badge, approved May 1943, no motto
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Port broadside view of HMS ATTACKER during her
trials with swordfish of 838 squadron aboard off
San Francisco. C. November 1942. From Royal
Navy Research Archive collection. |
† Captain W. W. P.
Shirley-Rollison RN
Flying work-up off San Francisco
Three of the four Swordfish aircraft of 838
naval air squadron operating from USNAS Alemeda
Island, flying over San Francisco. Photo
courtesy of Dan Shumaker |
Working up and voyage to Greenock
† ATTACKER at sea |
† Lt. Hamilton RNVR watches HMS ATTACKER
leaving Willemstad, Curacao March 1943 |
HMS ATTACKER anchored at
Greenock © IWM (A 17507) |
Crew photos
Please note - images may be condensed inside inline
frames, a magnifying glass appears over the small image and it will return
to its correct size when clicked.
† Ship's company, possibly in the Mediterranean
† The ship's officers, possibly in the
† The ship's company and personnel of 879
squadron aboard HMS ATTACKER in Bangor Bay Northern Ireland, March 1944
- click to see larger image
Ω Personnel of 879 squadron aboard
HMS ATTACKER in Bangor Bay Northern Ireland, March 1944 -
click to see larger image
Ω The officers of 879 with the
ship's new commanding officer, Capt. H. B. Farncomb RAN at
♦ Major Pegler
(seated, left) and Captain Barber (seated right) and the men
of No.1 Carrier Borne Air Liaison Section, HMS ATTACKER.
♦ The Air Liaison Officers -
Captain Hugh Barber (left) and Major Richard
Pegler on the flight deck somewhere in the
Mediterranean during operation AVALANCHE.
Another escort carrier can be seen in the
background. |
♦ John Willie (left) and Captain Hugh
Barber on the flight deck somewhere in the
Mediterranean during operation AVALANCHE. The
maintenance carrier HMS UNICORN can be seen in
the background. |
♦ Ships officer s and two members of the
Army Liaison staff observe the action over the
beaches. (Mac, shaking his fist, and Hugh
standing off to the left.)
♦ More officers watching the action from
the bow. |
Sub Lt. Clarke and other squadron members
sitting on the forward end of the flight deck
whilst passing through the straits of Messina,
September 1944. . |
♦ Captain Shirley-Rollison on the bridge
somewhere in the Mediterranean. |
♦ Lt. Cdr W. A. Ellison R.N.R. the ships'
navigator on the bridge somewhere in the
Mediterranean. |
♦ Surgeon Lieutenants R.N.V.R. R. L. Canney,
and P. Small, two of ships' medical officers give a
diagnosis on the bridge, somewhere in the Mediterranean.
♦ The 'Bunting Tossers' at work -
signalmen preparing signal flags to pass orders
to other ships in the group. |
♦Yeoman of
Signals passing messages accompanying
ships while under radio silence via signal lamp
♦ Signalman reading
message using a telescope, probably signal flags on
accompanying ships while under radio silence.
♦ Bridge watch keepers and lookouts. |
♦The Air Liaison Section at work during
operation AVALANCHE |
♦ Crew of the Port, aft twin 40mm Bofors
gun closed up at action stations. |
† The crew of the Port 4" gun -
picture taken during Atlantic crossing 1943.
William Massey is at the back wearing the cap.
Photographs marked Ω
are courtesy of George Clarke, his father Sub Lt. (A) William
Anthony Clarke, RNVR (P) served with 879 squadron March - October
1944. He flew missions during Operation DRAGOON, the invasion of
Southern France, Operation OUTING I & OUTING II in the Dodecanese
Islands, and Operation MANNA, the reoccupation of Piraeus.
Photographs marked ♣ are courtesy of Courtesy of Peter Small,
his father was Surg. Lt William Small RNVR who served aboard
Photographs marked ♦ are courtesy of
Courtesy of Christopher Pegler, his father, Major Richard Pegler,
Royal Artillery, was the Army Liaison Officer on board during the
ships operations in the Mediterranean, in particular Operations
Photographs marked † are courtesy of David Hamilton, his uncle,
SSX28439 Leading Seaman William Massey, served on
ATTACKER as a member of the 4" Gun crew. He joined her at San
Francisco and left after the Salerno landings.
Page last edited:
02 December 2018