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Operations wit the Fleet
Train as a Ferry Carrier
HMS SLINGER along side at a wharf in Brisbane to
load aircraft and stores for ferrying to Sydney,
or to Ponam and the Philippines, two cocooned
Corsair fuselages can be seen on her deck. |
HMS SLINGER along side at a wharf in Brisbane to
load aircraft and stores for ferrying -some
ferry trips were Brisbane to Sydney, others were
to Ponam and the Philippines. |
HMS SLINGER along side at a wharf in Brisbane to
load aircraft and stores for ferrying - a shore
party is mustered on the dock side. |
HMS SLINGER along side at a wharf in Brisbane to
load aircraft and stores for ferrying - on this
occasion her hanger and flight deck are packed
with Seafires. |
A full flight deck load of aircraft for
ferrying- this is a mixed load of Corsairs,
Hellcats and Barracudas, the latter are all
preserved in a proactive cocoon used for long
term storage. |
A full hanger load of aircraft for ferrying -
this is a load of Corsairs. These are fuselages
which are stored separate from their wings, all
are preserved in a proactive cocoon used for
long term storage. |
August 19th 1945 SLINGER returning to Australia
after loading a cargo of damaged aircraft from
HMS NABARON, RHAS Ponam Island for transport to
HMS NABSFORD, (Transportable Aircraft
Maintenance Yard No I) at Archerfield, Brisbane. |
Crew members
Members of the communications department.
1 |
Members of the Radar section, photo taken on
June 1st 1945. Photo: Arthur Rickard former AB
Radar Plot III |
Members of the smaller ferry crew which resulted
from SLINGER being redesignated as a purely
ferry carrier after June 1945. Picture 1 Hats
on. Able Seaman Gerald Sutton second row down,
second from left.
Members of the smaller ferry crew which resulted
from SLINGER being redesignated as a purely
ferry carrier after June 1945. Picture 1 Hats
off. Able Seaman Gerald Sutton second row down,
second from left. |
Unknown department 1 - Hats on: Able Seaman
Herbert Wilkinson back row, centre, the only
rating in the group. |
Unknown department 1 - Hats off: Able Seaman
Herbert Wilkinson back row, centre, the only
rating in the group. |
The torpedo department: Lt. John 'Jack' Norwell,
Torpedo Officer is seated 3rd from the left,
Able Seaman Geoff Sutton is seated far left.
Photo: Keith Sutton. |
The torpedo department junior rates: Able Seaman
(T) George Parsons is nack row 2nd left |
Unknown group -Sub- Lt David G W Rees
believed to be back row 2nd from left. |
A group of ratings that hail from Birmingham and
the Midlands; AB Alfred Jones, Back row Second
Right (Shorty), AB Cyril Davies is back row, far
right with the white shorts. Photo: Rita Truman. |
February 12th 1945: Deck department junior
rates, back row J Fay (BM), H Wilkinson (QM), G
Crossay (QM), H Wood (KBS): Front row T Shaw
(BM), C Deakin (BM), T Ginggel (KBS), J Chipper
3 |
repatriating internees and PoWs
September 9th 1945 personnel of HMS NABCATCHER
{Mobile Naval Air Base No 8} paraded on the
flight deck for SLINGER leaving Sydney harbour
for passage to Hong Kong. MONAB 8 was to reopen
Kai Tak airfield.5 |
Members of MONAB 8 MT section? From left to
right 'Stoker Bill' 'Cpl Fields' 'Smiler Ted'
'Trooper G?'. Ted is Marine Edward Badham and
the photo was taken at sea on route to Hong
Kong.5 |
Members of MONAB 8 Motor Transport section at
sea on route to Hong Kong. Marine Smiler Ted
Badham is far right in overalls.5 |
Early October 1945 SLINGER arrives at Kowloon,
Hong Kong to deliver her stores and MONAB8
advance party.1 |
Early October 1945 SLINGER ties up alongside at
Kowloon to begin unloading.5 |
Above & Below: Work began unloading stores - the
work was undertaken by former Japanese Naval
personnel who proved to be very efficient at the
task. Japanese prisoners were employed
extensively in the colony in the early months
after the surrender.1 |
Sydney and preparations
to sail of r the \UK
Back in Sydney for the last time HMS SLINGER
along side in Sirius Cove preparing to sail for
the UK. She now sports her original pennant
number.4 |
HMS SLINGER leaving Sirius Cove, Sydney, on the
morning of Saturday November 10th 1945, bound
for Fremantle and ultimately the UK. Members of
the ship's company of MONAB 4 HMS NABARON are
mustered on deck taking passage home. MONAB 4,
officially paid off on this date.4 |
Thanks to the following individuals for supplying the images; the
symbols identify which images belong to which donor, images with no
symbol are from the Royal Navy Research Archive collection:
1 From the collection of Mr. John Lawson former Coder who served on
2 Images taken from the photo album of the late Reg Hunt, Stores
Assistant. Reg served in HMS SLINGER 29 August 1943 to 8 November
3 Kindly supplied by Mr. David Yates, part of a collection of materials
that belonged to his grandfather Able Seaman Herbert Wilkinson who
Served on HMS SLINGER September 1944 to December1945.
4 Kindly supplied by Mr. Mike Roshier; Mike kindly loaned two rolls of
film negatives shot by his father Alan John Roshier while serving on
HMS SLINGER in the ship's photographic department 1945.
5 Kindly supplied by Mrs. Maureen Corfield, daughter of Arine Edward
Badham of MONAB 8.
6 Thanks to Mr. E.M. 'Mac' McCarthy a former Writer who served with HMS
NABCATCHER. MONAB 8. and took passage to Hong Kong on SLINGER.
7 Kindly supplied by Mr. Cyril Davies who served as an Able Seaman,
D/JX651199, on SLINGER in 1945.
Page last edited:
02 December 2018