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Refit at Durban


HMS AMEER in dry dock, Durban South Africa in March 1945. Photo: Courtesy of Frank Perry



HMS AMEER at at sea on her post refit shakedown in mid-April 1945 just prior to embarking 896 squadron form RN Aur Sect Stamford Hill. . Photo: © IWM (A 21338)




On e of 896 squadron Hellcats manoeuvres into place ready to be fitted onto the ship's catapult for an accelerated take-off.



Crashes on deck


JW723  804 Sqn ('6G') Bounced, book missed wines, through barrier into a/c park, hit JX827, JW733 & JX889 Ameer 28.5.45 (LA T H Pemberton);


February 26th 1945, Lt. R.J.H. Cross in Hellcat JW738 ('6N') 804 Squadron caught the aircrafts tail on the rounddown landing on, aircraft lost control and went over the port side . The pilot was rescued OK.


Flight deck personnel attempt to stabilise one of 804 Squadrons Hellcats as it hangs over the edge of the ship, while they decide how it should be removed to clear the deck. © IWM (A 27348)


Flight deck personnel attempt to stabilise and salvage one of 804 Squadrons Hellcats which has drifted to Port on landing and is perched on the edge of the flight deck, its Port wing and undercarriage in the catwalk. © IWM (A 27349)



Above & below: Hellcat ‘B8W’ of 896 Squadron after drifting to starboard on landing it has crashed into  AMEER’s Port amidships Oerlikon sponson before falling overboard.


The single Walrus Air Sea Rescue aircraft from 1700 squadron which operated from AMEER 19 - 20th July 1945.



804 Squadron


Note: The aircraft of 804 squadron wore several different ID markings during the units time with HMS AMEER -  '2+' - C6+'   and 'K6+'.


The maintenance personnel of 804 squadron.


804 squadron's score board aboard HMS AMEER.


Armourers check and load ammunition for Hellcat fighters on AMEER’s flight deck. © IWM (A 27345)


804 squadron Hellcats all with their engines running, await their turn to taxi to the ship’s catapult for take-off, the aircraft use an accelerated take-off when fully armed or there is little wind across the deck.


804 squadron Hellcats all with their engines running, await their turn for take-off, the aircraft use the full length of the carrier to help take off when there is little wind © IWM (A 27343)




Above & below: HMS AMEER at anchor at Trincomalee, here she has the Hellcats of No.804 Squadron ranged on deck. Photo: Courtesy of Frank Perry



The sconce aboard HMS AMEER at anchor at Trincomalee, on the night of August 15th 1945 as the fleet celebrates the Japanese surrender. Photo: Courtesy of Frank Perry


Overhead shot of AMEER anchored at Trincomalee with both elevators lowered to improve ventilation. Note the ships flight deck identification letter has change from A to R, A now being worn by HMS ATHELING.



Unless stated otherwise all photos are courtesy of Frank Perry, Frank's father George Charles Perry served on HMS AMEER



Page last edited: 02 December 2018

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