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ACV-19 undergoes her builders trials in San
Francisco Bay May 20th 1943. |
The travels of H.M.S. STRIKER |
Peekskill Camp. New York.
A transit camp for RN personnel was opened at
Peekskil. New York to accommodate men awaiting
a new ship being built in the United State. They stayed here
until joining their ship at the builder's yard. Part of
Above & Below: Peekskill Camp. New York. |
Above & Below: Peekskill Camp. New York -
members of the advance party of the crew await
transport to San Francisco. |
CPO Webb and members of the Sick Berth staff
† Signalman Robert
'Ginger' Lee Braves the snow. |
Telegraphist Jim 'Lofty' Shimmin and Signalman
Robert 'Ginger' Lee |
H.M.S. STRIKER, San Francisco
Junior rates dinning hall |
'Up Spirits' the 'Rum
Bosun' calls |
The (bearded) Petty
Officers of HMS Striker's Ships Company.
Loch Ewe, Scaotlan |
The junior rates of the communications
department, Loch Ewe, Scaotland. |
Air mechanics form 824 Squadron ashore at RNAS
Crail, Scotland, some of their Swordfish
aircraft can be seen in the distance. |
The Sick Berth
The Medical personnel of HMS Striker.
Seated – left to right - Surg. Lt. C. W. Glassey RNVR,
Surg. Lt.-Cdr W. S. Larcombe RNVR, P.O.S.B.A., R. Webb |
Above & Below: views of
the Sick Berth facilities on board Striker - the
infirmary |
Above & Below: views of
the Sick Berth facilities on board Striker - the
operating theatre |
The Sick Berth office. |
Unless stated otherwise all photos are from the album of C.P.O. Sick
Berth Attendant Richard Webb, reproduced with the kind permission of
his widow Mrs. Margaret Webb
Photos marked † are from the album of
JX276479 Ordinary Signalman Robert William Lee, reproduced
with the kind permission of his son Brian Lee.
Page last edited:
02 December 2018