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Operations with the 30th Aircraft Carrier Squadron and the British Pacific Fleet


HMS STRIKER on route to Manus from Australia carrying a full ferry load of aircraft for the forward base. Types include Avenger, Corsair, Firefly, Hellcat. and Seafire.


Striker at Leyte, the Philippines, April 1945 She is carrying a variety of different aircraft types in the role of Replenishment Carrier

Photo © Andrew Toppam


Above, an Avenger, and Below, a Corsair, land on STRIKER as 'Flyable Duds' - these aircraft have been exchanged for a serviceable ones from the replenishment load and will be returned to the 'Air Train' for repair on completion of the resupply period.


Above an Avenger takes off for a delivery flight to a Fleet Carrier of The BPF, Below Seafires are readied for take off on delivery flights during a BPF replenishment period off Japan.


Casualty transfer at sea


Above and next four image:  stretcher case is transferred from HMS CRANE to HMS STRIKER by light jackstay somewhere in the Pacific




Casualty has arrived safely on the starboard 4.5 inch gun sponson


The Fleet Train of the BPF at anchor at their forward operating base at Leyte, the Philippines. The hospital ship HMHS OXFORD is clearly visible.


Shore Patrol - Members of Striker's crew ashore at Leyte, the Philippines.


HMS STRIKER Senior Rates, somewhere in the S.W. Pacific.


Sydney, August 1945 - The war is over


Victory parade - August 16th 1945 VP (Victory in the Pacific) Day - RN march through Sydney


Victory Dance - Paddington Town Hall August 16th 1945


HMS STRIKER alongside ion Sydney harbour preparing for her voyage to Hong Kong (far right of image)


Strikers 'storing party' , under C.P.O Webb, collect stores  and equipment in preparation for passage to Hong Kong.


Above & Below: August 27th 1945 Commodore Carne and members of the ship’s company attended  he wedding of the ship’s Padre

the Rev. Alfred ‘Dickie’ Bird RNVR, to Miss Ellie Lucas,  daughter of the Rector of St John’s Church, Darlinghurst, East Sydney.




Passage to Hong Kong


Nurse Thompson and colleges, British nurses going to staff the colonies hospitals.


Coming algside the wharf at Kowloon.


 The view across the harbour, the Light Fleet Carrier HMS VENGEANCE is visible in the distance.  


HMS STRIKER passes HMS SWIFTSURE, Admiral Cecil Harcourt's flagship for the Japanese surrender at Hong Kong.


Chinese refugee children returning to the the colony from Australia.



Unless stated otherwise all photos are from the album of C.P.O. Sick Berth Attendant Richard Webb, reproduced with the kind permission of his widow Mrs. Margaret Webb



Page last edited: 02 December 2018

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