Description Shape:
Standard, circular.
Blazon (Heraldic description)
On a field barry wavy of ten blue and white: A torch, erect, black, enflamed proper, in front of two swords in saltire, silver pommels and hilts gold.

A plunderer or despoiler who employs a scorched earth policy.

For explanations of heraldic terms see the Badges & Honours page.





Pennant Numbers:





Battle Honors:






Builder: Seattle-Tacoma Shipbuilding Co. Tacoma, Washington

Completed by: Commercial Iron Works, Portland, Oregon

Displacement: 14,170 tons

length (Overall): 486ft

Beam:  69ft 6in

Flight deck: 442ft x 80ft wood covered mild steel plate

Propulsion: 2 Foster Wheeler boilers; 1 x Allis-Chalmers geared turbine driving 1 shaft

Speed:  18.5 knots

A/C Capacity: 20

Hangar: 262ft x 62ft x 18ft

A/C lifts: 2; aft 34ft long x 42ft wide; forward 42ft long x 34ft wide

Arrestor wires: 9 with 3 barriers

Catapult: 1 x H2 hydraulic

Armament: 2 single 4in USN Mk 9, 4 twin 40mm Bofors, 8 twin 20mm Oerlikon, 10 single 20mm Oerlikon

Crew Complement: 646


Commanding Officers:

Capt. A. A. Murray RN
Dec 42 - Apr 44

Capt. G. V. B. Faulkner RN
Apr 44 - Jul 45





Oct 1943
Hellcat I



Sept-Oct 1943
Wildcat VI

July 43
Avenger I

Click here to see more photos



A History of HMS RAVAGER

HMS RAVAGER moored at Greenock



HMS RAVAGER was an 'Attacker' class escort carrier, her keel was laid down on April 11th 1942 at Seattle-Tacoma Shipbuilding Co. Tacoma, Washington, as a C3-S-A1 type freighter hull, Maritime Commission hull number 240; Seattle-Tacoma hull number 24. The hull was purchased by the US navy, to become the auxiliary aircraft carrier USS CHARGER AVG-24, however while still under construction it was decided that AVG-42 was to be transferred to the Admiralty on loan on her completion under the lend-lease agreement that existed between the US and Britain. The promulgate name was later cancelled.


After 96 days on the Ways, she was launched on July 16th 1942 by her sponsor by Mrs. C. G. Mitchell. AVG-42 was assigned to Willamette Iron & Steel shipyard in Portland, Oregon, for the completion as an escort carrier and the hull was towed along the coast and down the Willamette River. She was to spend the next 283 days under construction in the water. Her USN designation changed to ACV-24 on August 20th 1942.


An advance party of her RN crews for PURSUER, TRACKER, SEARCHER and RAVAGER  sailed from the UK in spring of 1942, landing at New York; they were temporarily accommodated at RN Camp Peekskill, New York state, before crossing the US by train to Portland. This draft was under the command of Lt. Cdr C. G. Hudson, who oversaw manning of the Willamette Iron & Steel vessels before being appointed to RAVAGER as executive officer. While at Portland the crews were billeted ashore until their ship was sufficiently outfitted to accommodate personnel on-board.


While RAVAGER was in the hands of the Willamette Iron & Steel yard there was a friendly rivalry between the workers and their opposite numbers at the other Portland shipyard working on ships for the Admiralty, the Commercial Iron Works yard, where HMS SEARCHER was being built.


ACV-42 sailed on her builder's sea trials at 08:00 on the morning of April 9th. After passing down the Willamette River she entered the Columbia River and trials began at 09:30. After testing her anchors, steering, engines, and general handling she carried out a full speed test and an emergency stop before completing a maximum speed run over a measured mile, she returned to her berth at 16:00 after completing the test schedule. On completion of defect rectification and final fitting out, ACV-42 was transferred to the United Kingdom under Lend Lease and delivered on April 25thth 1943 at a ceremony held on the flight deck. The ship was accepted on behalf of the US Navy by Captain L. D. Whitgrove USN, and after the playing of the American national anthem he delivered her to Captain A. A. Murray RN who accepted her on behalf of the Admiralty. Captain Murray read out the order commissioning her as HMS RAVAGER (pennant number D70) and the White ensign and the Union Jack were hoisted. She was the first RN ship to bear the name.


Member of the RAVAGER deck patty - the Batsman (Deck Landing Control Offer) and his assistant DCLOs, aircraft handling party and firefighting crew..  Below: the DCLO 'bats' in a Hellcat to a perfect deck landing.



 Move to Seattle: ammunitioning and working up the ship before sailing for the UK

On completion of storing ship RAVAGER left Portland on May 14th1943 and secured alongside at US Navy Air Station Seattle on the 16th. She put to see the following day at 19:40, returning to her berth at 19:04. At 06:10 on the 18th she sailed for RDF calibration which was conducted simultaneously with the escort carrier USS CROATIN and the battleship USS TENNESSEE; on completion proceeded to the Puget Sound Navy yard, Bremerton, Washington to ammunition the ship arriving back at Seattle at 16:00 on the 19th.


She sailed from f Seattle at 08:40 on May 24th bound for or Balboa, to enter the Panama Canal, arriving on June 6th. On reaching the Atlantic side she sailed form Cristobal on the 7th bound for Norfolk Navy Yard, Virginia, without waiting for a US navy escort; she arrived there at 16:00 on the 13th.


She sailed from f Seattle at 08:40 on May 24th bound for or Balboa, to enter the Panama Canal, arriving on June 6th. On reaching the Atlantic side she sailed form Cristobal on the 7th bound for Norfolk Navy Yard, Virginia, without waiting for a US navy escort; she arrived there at 16:00 on the 13th.


While in dockyard hands work included the Installation of radar equipment, radio equipment, engine revolution, telegraph and lighting equipment. Repaired L.P. main, turbine, governor of No. 1 HP air compressor. Installed "Stop Run" indicator lights. Repaired pump motors. Installed radio transmitting equipment and radio receiving equipment. She sailed at 06:00 on June 24th for trials and exercises returning to her berth at 11:45 on the 28th for further defect rectification.

846 squadron joins for convoy protection on maiden Atlantic crossing: July 19443


 On July 2nd she sailed at 10:30 to embark thee 12 Avengers of 846 Nava Air Squadron in Chesapeake Bay to begin a short flying work up period. The squadron was to be operational when RAVAGER made her Atlantic convoy crossing later that month providing anti-submarine (A/S) air cover on passage. The squadron had formed and worked up in the U.S. and flew out from USNAS Norfolk to join the ship. The squadron was to lose four aircraft during this familiarisation period; FN791 piloted by Sub-Lt M.F. Wheeler RNVR stalled onto the deck embarking, the pilot applied power but the aircraft ran over the port side and sank into Chesapeake Bay, the crew were rescued safely. Sub-Lt Wheeler had a second ditching on the 3rd, his aircraft FN797 suffered engine failure on take-off and ditched, was rescued OK. On the 4th the crew of FN788 were not so lucky; this machine also stalled on take-off and sank in Chesapeake Bay killing the pilot Lt. E. T. Trotman RNVR, the observer Sub-Lt D. F. Ellwood RNVR and Leading Airman D. Ritchie. The fourth incident, on the 7th, was also a launch failure, this time FN790 was not correctly attached to the catapult and failed to get airborne before ditching, the pilot Sub-Lt N. G. Haigh RNVR and crew were rescued OK.


On completion of her short flying work up RAVAGER proceeded to New York, arriving there on July 13th. She secured alongside the 35th street pier, Brooklyn and received voyage repairs carried out by dockyard workers from the Bethlehem Steel Company; these repairs were completed on the 14th. Her US designation became CVE-24 July 15th, 1943. She sailed to join the UK bound convoy HX.248 which, after picking up additional ships off the Canadian cost comprised of 87 merchant vessels. It was an uneventful crossing; RAVAGER escorted by the corvette PRIMROSE left the convoy at 09:00 on the 26th in position 55° 20’N 19° 15’W and set course for Belfast. The Avengers of 846 squadron flew off to RNAS Machrihanish on the 27th before the ship secured at RNAS Belfast where the squadron stores and personnel were disembarked. It is presumed that the squadron flew A/S patrols during the crossing but no records support this.

Allocated to Western Approaches Command as a deck landing training carrier

RAVAGER arrived in Greenock on July 28th and was allocated to Western Approaches Command for duties as a deck landing training carrier. She was to work alongside HMS ARGUS, the old WW1 carrier training detachments from squadrons embarked in the Clyde and Irish Sea operating areas. After disembarking the personnel and equipment of 846 squadron work began on minor defect ratification and preparations for beginning her new role. As a DLT carrier RAVAGER would be operating a wide range of British and American aircraft types, these included Avenger, Barracuda, Firefly, Fulmar, Hellcat, Sea Hurricane, Seafire, Spitfire, Wildcat and Swordfish. Operating such a wide range of aircraft types posed quite a challenge for the air department as the arrestor system needed to be calibrated differently for weight and landing speeds of each type, the accelerator (catapult) also required alteration for each of the American types.


Prior to July 1943 all U.S. built escort carriers entered a British dockyard to undergo modifications to bring them up to RN standards. After this date the majority of the newly completed vessels were had this work carried out in Vancouver, Canada before sailing for the UK. Assuming RAVAGER was completed to the US specification this work would need to be untaken on her arrival in the UK. There is no indication as to which dockyard undertook this work, however the short time between arrival on the Clyde and the first recorded DLT operations is q lot shorter than the usual period spent on modification work; TRACKER for example was to take two and a half months; in dockyard hands followed by a post refit trial and work up. [1] This modification work included the lengthening of the flight deck, installing British Type 79B aircraft warning and Type 272 surface search radars, replacing the US 5in gun mountings with British model. Modifications to hangar, accommodation and store rooms, installing extra safety measures including major changes to the aviation fuel stowage following the DASHER petrol explosion which sank her on March 27th 1943. Oiling at sea arrangements, modifying gunnery and other internal communications, adding extra W/T and R/T sets, and improved darken ship arrangements

However, RAVAGER appears to have been operating aircraft as early as September 17th when Fulmar X8755, piloted by Sub-Lt. L. F. Diggens RNVR from 768 Sqn based at RNAS Machrihanish, struck the round down on landing. This suggests the ship may have received minimal modification before beginning DLT duties.

Right: Fulmar DR726 of 768 Squadron, flown by Sub-Lt. I. C. Falconer after being stopped by the barrier during night deck landing session on February 23rd, 1944. Left: Sea Hurricane IIc NF728 ('KIF') of 760 squadron has ended up on its nose after a landing accident which also damaged Sea Hurricane NF722 on October 4th 1944.



Beginning on September 28th, the main DLT work load transferred to RAVAGER when ARGUS was stood down on the 27th and placed in reserve, the 6 Sea Hurricanes of 836 composite squadron’s fighter flight transferred to RAVAGER. Also, from this date 768 DLT squadron began operating with the ship from their new base at RNAS Ayr.

October brought aircraft from 769 DLT squadron which operated Barracudas and Swordfish out of RNAS East Haven on the east coast of Scotland; they were to operate with RAVAGER between the 8th and the 11th. The Sea Hurricanes of 835 disembarked to RNAS Eglinton on the 12th. DLT continued through November for aircraft from 768 squadron, Barracuda P9666suffered minor damage on the 20th when its tail wheel was knocked off when it hit the round down and on the 25th Spitfire Vb W3796 went over the side, its pilot Sub-Lt P. E. Love RNVR was unhurt.

Operations were cut short however, on the evening of on November 29th when RAVAGER collided with another vessel on the Clyde. She had been anchored at X.4 berth at Tail O’ the Bank when a strong gust of wind had sufficient push to cause he anchor to drag; she eventually struck the Trials Carrier PRETORIA CASTLE in C.2 berth. Both carriers suffered minor damage, RAVAGER lost 80 feet of her starboard walkway, PRETORIA CASTLE suffered superficial damage to her forecastle bulwarks and one section of platting on the flight deck support above the forecastle. The damage was severe enough to require both carriers to undergo repairs by Clyde shipyards.

Training resumed on December 12th when aircraft from 768 squadron resumed training. There were several flying accidents in this period of training, including Spitfire Vbs P8537 which crashed on her deck during landing practice on the 12th, AR297 smashed its arrestor hook into the run-down on the 17th, while BL483 Burst a tyre and dropped its starboard wing tip and suffered a buckled wing on the 20th. December also saw the return American aircraft types operate from RAVAGERS deck, 846 squadron pilots carried out individual landing sessions to maintain their deck landing qualifications and one of these, Avenger FN827 flown by Sub-Lt. J. S. Toner RNVR, overshot and entered the barrier on the 18th. On the 20th the Corsairs of 1833 squadron flew out from RNAS Machrihanish for a day of intensive DLT and 769 squadron resumed training flying from RNAS East Haven.

Training continued during January 1944; 769 squadron’s training period ended on the 7th leaving 768 to continue flying until the 19th. Both squadrons returned later in the month, 769 resumed training on the 23rd for a seven-day training schedule and 768 resumed flying on the 27th from RNAS Machrihanish. The ship was to continue operating as a DLT platform until April 16th. In addition to her normal training squadrons, she was visited by several first line units for intensive Deck Landing Practice (DLP) and pilot requalification; a short DL T session for pilots from 831 Barracuda on January 31st/February 1st during which Sub-Lt W. D. Rhodes RNVR had two landing incidents – he put Barracuda P9743 Into the barrier on the 31st and damaged P9669 on the 1st (both 768 Sqn machines). On February 7th Corsairs from 1834 squadron carried out DLT, flying out from RNAS Machrihanish. The following day Avengers of 832 Sqn, also from RNAS Machrihanish, flew out for a day’s DLT during which Sub-Lt A. C. Francis RNVR had a barrier crash in FN900. On the 16th the Avengers of 845 sqn embarked from RNAS Eglinton for a day’s DLT; Lt F. A. Shearman RNZN) VR damaged FN836 when he stalled his port wing on landing. A detachment of 2 Fireflies of 784 Night Fighter Sqn embarked from RNAS Ballyhalbert on April 9th for flying training, they disembarked to RNAS Dremon the 16th.

There were 12 flying accidents involving 768 squadron during this period; on February 18th Lt W. N. Sailea RNVR in Avenger JZ406, engaged the barrier after the hook bounced and failed to snag a wire; on the 23rd Sub-Lt I. C. Faulconer RNVR had a barrier crash during a night landing in Fulmar DR726; on March 9th Sub-Lt K. M. Hicks RNVR struck the barrier with the prop in Fulmar X8641, he damaged a second aircraft, Fulmar DR717 the same day damaging the starboard mainplane in a second barrier crash. On March 10th Avenger JZ416 piloted by Lt J. Bridge RNVR suffered prop damage on hitting the barrier. On the11th Barracuda P9807 piloted by Lt R. Fulton RNVR also damaged his prop contacting the barrier; on the 12th Lt J. S. Bailey RNVR nosed over on landing in hooked Spitfire Vb BL818. In April Lt M. B. W. Howell RNVR struck the rounddown with the tail of Fulmar DR749 during night DL control practice on the 12th. There were now four more Barracuda incidents during the last two days of flying in April, on the 13th Sub-Lt J. W. Wood, RNVR damaged the arrestor hook of P9820 landing on, and Sub-Lt G. Adamson, RNVR crashed in Barracuda P9807 resulting in buckled airframe; on the 14th Sub-Lt R. F. Eatock, RNVR in P9738 entered the barrier, and Sub-Lt J. W. Foster, RNVR in P9794 crashed on deck.

Short dockyard modification to enable operation as a Ferry Carrier

On April 18th RAVAGER entered a Clyde shipyard to be fitted out for additional duty as a Ferry Carrier, the work was completed by May 1st when she returned to DLT duties, 761 squadron D flight embarked for 5 days intensive DLT. On embarking Sub-Lt D. J. Demus, RNVR hit the barrier landing in Spitfire Vb AA971 damaging the prop. The detachment disembarked on the 5th without further incident. Aircraft from 768 on from RNAS Easthaven began operating from RAVAGER from the 7th when an unusual visitor to the ship was lost overboard; Tiger Moth T6808 was fumbled by the handling party, ratings missed catching a wing on landing and the aircraft taxied over edge, the crew Lt W. N. Sailes & Lt B. M. Wilson were OK. The ship was visited by the squadron’s hooked Spitfires over the next week; there were two flying incidents., on the 9th Spitfire Vb BL443 had a barrier ash and on the 10th Spitfire Vb W3522 pecked the deck on landing – both were piloted by Sub-Lt L C. D. M. Barnett, RNVR.

761 squadron D flight re-embarked on May 18th for further DLT, disembarking on the 20th when the ship was withdrawn from training to prepare for a ferry voyage in June.


Ferry trip to Gibraltar

After embarking ferry cargo of aircraft, stores and equipment RAVAGER joined convoy KMF.32 which departed from the Clyde on June 11th. She was mainly carrying Seafires which she disembarked to the RN Air Section at RAF North Front on her arrival at Gibraltar on the 1119th. She spent the next week alongside the harbour wall before sailing to return to the UK with convoy MKF.32 on June 27th, this convoy arrived at Liverpool on July 4th, RAVAGER continuing on to the Clyde to resume training duties.

June 1944; RAVAGER delivering a ferry load of aircraft to RNAS North Front, Gibraltar. The majority of this delivery comprised of Seafires. HMS HUNTER is moored behind her alongside the mole at Gibraltar an d sailed as escort for the return convoy.



Return to DLT Duties July – October 1944

Flying training resumed on July 5th 1944 with aircraft from 768 Sqn fly6ing out to operate with the ship. The squadron had one deck landing accident during July, on the 17th Avenger JZ406 piloted by Mid R. D. Chappell RN|VR caught No.8 wire after the hook bounced and the prop clipped the barrier. On August 16th a detachment of 4 Fireflies from 1771 squadron flew out from RNAS Machrihanish to carry out DLT, they disembarked the following day. 768 Sqn had a further 4 landing accidents during August; on the 10th Spitfire Vb BL818, flown by Sub-Lt J. A. Marriott RNVR, crashed through all the barriers and ended up in the bow guns sponsons; the next day Sub-Lt J. E. Jones RNVR crashed through the barriers in Spitfire Vb BL238; on the 16th Avenger FN789 piloted by Lt P.D. C. Street RNVR was arrested by the barrier, and on the 28th Sub-Lt P. E. Holway RNVR put Seafire LR684 into a walkway. Aircraft from 768 continued to fly out to the ship during September incurring a further 6 accidents resulting in 7 damaged aircraft; on the 1st Mid R. P. Hubble RNVR entered the barrier in Spitfire Vb W3618 while Sub-Lt R. C. Thompson RNVR stalled Seafire LR650 over the deck. On the 18th Seafire LR635, flown by Sub-Lt R. J. Berry RNVR smashed its starboard undercarriage on landing. On the 21st Avenger FN783 piloted by Sub-Lt P. F. Stapleton RNVR caught No.8 wire and entered the barrier. Two days later Avenger JZ406 was lost when it crashed through the barrier and ditched over the port side, damaging Avenger JZ409 as it went over, the pilot Sub-Lt J. H. Hall RNVR was rescued OK. A second aircraft was lost overboard on the 25th when Wildcat AJ128, flown by Sub-Lt K. Morley RNVR, swung over the port side on take-off, the pilot was rescued safely.  At the start of October, the Sea Hurricane IIc of 760 anti-submarines OUT briefly made use of RAVAGER’s deck, flying out from their base at RNAS Inskip.


Second ferry trip; UK to Gibraltar then Norfolk, Virginia, October - November1944

RAVAGER was relived of training duties again in mid-October to make a second ferry run to Gibraltar. She sailed from the Clyde with Convoy KMF.35A on October 20th bound for Gibraltar, arriving there on the 24th. Unlike her first ferry voyage she was not to return directly to the UK, instead she joined a west bound convoy GUF.15B which departed from Oran on the 26th for passage the United States. This convoy arrived at Hampton Roads on the US east coast on November 7thand RAVAGER proceeded to the US Navy Operating Base at Norfolk, Virginia to embark a return ferry load; this load is believed to have included 34 Corsair and 4 Hellcats as deck cargo. On completion of loading the ship proceeded to New York, arriving alongside at 36th Street pier for voyage repairs which were completed the same day. While alongside she embarked passengers and stores for the UK before sailed to join the eastbound convoy CU.47 which departed New York on November 15th, and arrived at Liverpool on the 26th; RAVAGER detached for Belfast and unloaded her ferry cargo at RNAMY Belfast beginning on the 26th.

On completion of unloading RAVAGER proceeded to London to enter a commercial dockyard for repairs to be carried out. Work began on December 1st and was completed by the 15th. She sailed for Rosyth on December 19th, arriving there on the 22nd. She spent Christmas 1944 at Rosyth, sailing for the Clyde on January 2nd 1945 in company with RANEE (she had been acting DLT carrier while RAVAGER was on ferry duties) and the Aviation repair ship DEER SOUND , arriving on the Clyde on the 4th. RAVAGER now resumed her training duties.


HMS RAVAGER on passage to the UK from Norfolk. Virginia with a ferry load of American Lend-Lease airframes.


Return to training duties January 1945

A Detachment of 2 Firefly night fighters from ‘A’ Flt 746 Naval Night Fighter Interception Unit embarked from RNAS Hatston on January 25thth for 2 days flying operations. Upon their departure ‘D’ Flt 761 Sqn embarked for 7 days DLT. On the same day, January 27th, Seafire MB210 of 768 Sqn piloted by Sub-Lt A. Torrance RNVR caught No.3 wire but damaged the prop & port wing. ‘D’ Flt 761 Sqn disembarked on February 2nd and the ship was allocated to act as a target vessel for submarine attack exercises with HM Submarine TOTEM in the Clyde training area.

On completion of her training duties she sailed for Rosyth, arriving there on 11th to undergo further repairs. The work was completed on the 27th and she sailed on the 28th to return to the Clyde to resume training operations.

Aircraft from 768 Sqn operated from the ship during march and May with two aircraft lost; on March 15th Seafire MB210 flown by Sub-Lt D. Mansell RNZNVR stalled landing and slipped to port and went over the side, he was safely rescued, and on the 22nd Seafire NF581 piloted by Sub-Lt R. W. Mullins RNVR ditched over the bows after the throttle cut on take-off, he too was safely rescued.

On May 25th RAVAGER took part in submarine training exercises in the Clyde area for the C.O.Q.C. (Commanding Officers Qualifying Course); in company with the Destroyers WESTCOTT and SHIKARI she acted as a target for HM Submarine SAFARI. She repeated this role for HM Submarine SCOTSMAN on May 31st acting as a target with the Destroyer HMS SARDONYX and Submarine SPORTSMAN. She acted as a target for the last time on June 3rd, again in company with SARDONYX exercising with HM Submarine SURF.

On returning to DLT operations on June 6th Lt H. M. Little RNVR was killed when his aircraft, Wildcat JV 356, spun into sea after take-off and turning to enter the landing pattern. On the 13th another aircraft was lost when Seafire LR841 of 768 Sqn went over the starboard side after landing, it hung precariously from the arrestor wire and radio aerials before the pilot Sub-Lt G. O. Jones could be rescued and the machine cut loose to fall into the sea ‘D’ Flt 761 squadron embarked on June 27th for 2 days DLT. 768 Sqn began another dedicated DLT period on July 17th, flying out from RNAS Ayr , and completed on August 3rd. ‘D’ Flt 761 squadron e-embarked on August 18th to begin a six-day period of DLT. Seafires from 768 Sqn resumed flying out to the ship on August 21st, sadly Sub-Lt C. C. Libeau RNZNVR was killed when his aircraft Seafire NN329 Spun into the sea off a steep turn on final approach to RAVAGER. A second Seafire, LR688 was damaged when it hit the rounddown landing on the 22nd, the pilot Sub-Lt R. C. Dorman RNVR was OK. Both 768 and the detachment form 761 left the ship on August 23rd.


June 13th  1945; Seafire LR841 hangs off the starboard side after swinging to starboards on landing and going over the side.


Post War DLT operations off the East Coast of Scotland: August – December 1945

The ship’s movements on completion of the August 1945 DLT sessions are unclear, at some stage she sailed for Rosyth to begin DLT operations with 767and 768 squadrons based at at RNAS East Haven, a detachment from 767Sqn embarked on November 8th for3 days DLT. 768 Sqn resumed their usual DLT operations with RAVAGER on November 29th, and completing on December 28th when RAVAGER ceased all flying operations.


Disposal: Return to US Custody

RAVAGER began de-storing in preparation for her return to US custody. During January 1946 all admiralty equipment was removed and the majority of her ship's company were drafted to other billets, leaving a steaming party aboard for her final Atlantic crossing.

She arrived at Norfolk Navy Yard, Va., on-February 9th 1946 and HMS RAVAGER was decommissioned on February 27th., CVE 24 being returned to US Navy custody on this date. No further use was too be made of her as an aircraft carrier and she was marked for disposal, and struck from the Naval Vessel Register on April 12th 1946 and put up for sale.

CVE 24 was sold to William B. St. John of New York City [1], July 1st 1947, for conversion into a passenger freighter for the Robin Line (part of the Seas Shipping Co., Inc., of New York); on completion of her conversion, she entered merchant service as the Steam Ship “ROBIN TRENT”. She was the third of three former RN escort carriers to enter service with the Robin Line; AMEER was sold on September 17rh1946 and entered service as “ROBIN KIRK” while SLINGER was sold on November 21st 1946 and entered service as “ROBIN MOWBRAY”.



The Robin Line was taken over by Moore McCormack Lines in 1957 and eight of the company’s twelve ships were retained including the former escort carriers, their names remained unchanged. The ROBIN TRENT was sold in 1970 to Vantage Steam Ship Corp, Bew York, the prefix ROBIN was dropped and she was renamed “TRENT”. She was sold for breaking in 1973 and arrived at Kaohsiung, Taiwan where work began dismantling her on July 7th of that year.




Content revised: 10 May 2024


Sources used in compiling this account:

Click here for a list of Primary sources


Additional sources:

Fold3.com various documents including;

Admiralty War Diaries

Norfolk Navy Yard War Diaries

Mew York Navy Yard War Diaries

Miscellaneous documents

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