1. Scan them yourself and submit them electronically, or burnt onto a CD or DVD ROM. Please scan images at a minimum resolution of 300dpi (600dpi if possible) and make large scans (100% scale) Please save images as uncompressed files in JPEG format. Please contact the editor if you need advice on how to achieve these settings.
2. Don’t have a scanner? You can take your photographs to your local digital photo processing shop - many offer scanning of loose photographs onto disc. They also print from your old negatives or scan them onto disc too.
3. Alternatively, you can loan your documents, photographs or negatives to the RN Research Archive for us to do the scanning. Contact the editor for details of where to mail your materials. To loan, or donate materials - simply fill in an on-line form that allows you to tell us what materials you are offering.
Submit an offer of Loan or Donation form
Recording an oral history
You can submit your own reminiscences or someone else can ‘interview’ you. Reminiscence pieces can be submitted in a variety of formats - hand written (we will have then transcribed), typed or word-processed, recorded on cassette tape or as an MP3 file recorded on a mobile phone or laptop. If you have already written or recorded your own oral history piece see below about how to submit it. Reminiscence pieces can be unstructured – tell of your experiences as they come to you, chunks of memories can be rearranged to follow a time-line if necessary.
Conducting an oral history interview: you will need some recording equipment – an electronic memo recorder, mobile phone or laptop, some prompts if available (photos, documents, object) and a list of either personalised or general questions to guide the interview. Some people can tell their stories spontaneously others may need to be prompted, hence the question list and any personal pictures etc that can start them reminiscing. If the ‘story teller’ has a copy of his or her service record this can be an invaluable prompt and a good structure to follow.
Submit an offer of Loan or Donation formYou can submit your written materials in almost any format, but Microsoft Word or equivalent are preferred. Please supply any images you have to illustrate the work; The RNRA will make every effort to find at least one image to include in your piece. Se below for information about how to submit your work.
Submit an offer of Loan or Donation form
Electronic submissions
You can submit all forms of electronic materials for inclusion on the site as e-mail attachments, or use a share link from Google Drive, One Drive or Dropbox on Windows, Mac, Linux, as well as mobile devices including iPad, iPhone, Android, and BlackBerry. (Google Drive is available on all windows and Android devices and gives any Google subscriber 15GC of storage space. Microsoft One Drive gives 5GB of free storage to anyone with a Microsoft account. Dropbox basic is free, and gives you 2GB of transfer/storage at no cost)
For Items That Need To Be Posted
If you r files are on a CD.DVD or you have non-digital materials to loan or donate details of where to send them will be sent on receipt of an
offer of Loan or Donation
form o
Donated Materials Please note that not every item donated to the RN Research Archive is suitable for inclusion in the web site but will form part of a reference resource. All materials donated to the archive will be scanned and added to a digital archive; then the originals will be held as a research resource once the digitisation process is completed. Materials donated to the archive will not be broken up or sold but will be held in storage against future use.
Materials submitted for publication Written materials submitted for publication via the web site are subject to editorial approval and may be sub-edited for the sake of clarity or readability. Images submitted to the site may be cropped or digitally enhanced (for example, to improve contrast). The RN Research Archive is under no obligation to publish any text or photos submitted to the site. The RN Research Archive may reject material on the grounds of copyright infringement, offensiveness or other legal considerations.
Please note that the Royal Navy Research Archive is a purely digital archive; some or all of the donated materials may be published to illustrate articles or to answer visitor queries but no guarantees can be made that it will be made available on line in its entirety. Where material is used a suitable credit will appear detailing the donor, his/her connection with the material and their military service.
The Royal Navy Research Archive does not accept items of clothing or medals.
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