The logistical operation to transport the men and equipment to their operational area involved despatch by sea using vessels requisitioned for war duties as transports and troop ships. War Office arrangements for the despatch of the first nine mobile units were planned under the codename 'LEANDER'.
A complete list of these vessels, sailing, and arrival dates, is not available, but details of most have come to light. Individual unit history pages contain information about these ships and the journeys which they undertook.
The majority of these vessels were civilian operated prior to the outbreak of the Second World War and were commandeered and pressed into service by both the British Ministry of War Transport and the American U.S. Maritime Commission as troop ships and cargo transports. Some cargo/transport vessels were purpose built under wartime contracts, and in some cases, these were renamed when sold into mercantile service after the war. Likewise, some vessels names were changed at the time of their being commandeered; for example, the M.V. ADVANCE became the M.V. TROJAN III upon being taken into service by the US authorities. Many steam ships and passenger liners were used as troop transports, in some cases travelling their pre-war routes; others were roaming far from their usual areas of operation.
Several MONABs and M.S.R. units took passage aboard Escort and Maintenance Carriers of the Air Train of the British Pacific Fleet.
Onward from Sydney
MONAB 4 ------------ MONAB 8 ------------ MONAB 9------------
Prior to July 1945 all troop ships and transports bound for Australia were routed through the Panama Canal. a short stop over at Colon at the Atlantic entrance to the canal was the only pause between the UK and New Zealand. The ships sailed from Balboaa, on the Pacific side and proceeded unescorted, even though there was a threat from Japanese submarines. After the end of the War in Europe many troop ships carried New Zealand and Australian POWs returning home from internment in Germany, many being disembarked in Wellington where some ships stayed for a few days before continuing on to Sydney.
MONABs 4, 8 & 9 were to operate in areas outside of Australia, each unit being transported in different vessels to their operations bases after spending a short period ashore in Sydney. By the time the personnel of MONABs 1 through 6 and TAMY 1 arrived back in the UK they had completed a circumnavigation of the globe, having departed via Panama and returned via Suez.
23,999 Tons - operated by Royal Mail Lines
Transported part of the personnel of MONAB VII to Sydney, sailing from Liverpool June 21st 1945.
AQUITANIA 45,647 Tons - operated by Cunard Lines. Transported the personnel of M.S.R. 5 home to the UK, departed Sydney 6th December 1945
25,564 tons- part of the Union-Castle Mail Steamship Co. fleet.
Transported the personnel from both MONA8s II and III, together with M.S.R 4 to Sydney, sailing from Liverpool December 22nd 1944.
27,155 tons - Flagship of the Shaw Savill line.
Transported the personnel of MONAB IV to Sydney, sailing from Liverpool on or around Jan 19th 1945, arrived at Sydney 21st February. A second journey was made to transport the personnel of MONAB IX to Sydney, departing Liverpool on or about August 31st 1945
27,400 tons- part of the Canadian Pacific Line.
Transported part of the personnel of MONAB I to Sydney, sailing from Liverpool in November 1944.
26,300 tons- part of the Canadian Pacific Line. (Originally named EMPRESS OF JAPAN).
Transported the personnel of MONAB I to Sydney, sailing from Liverpool November 20th 1944. The ship also carried personnel for the new British Pacific Fleet H.Q. being established in Sydney.
On a second voyage she transported personnel of M.R. 1 & the retard party of TAMY 1 to Australia, sailing from Liverpool March 10th 1945.
LARGS BAY Operated by the Aberdeen & Commonwealth Line.
Transported the main party of MONAB IX from Sydney to Singapore. The date of sailing is not known, arrived Singapore November 1st 1945.
20,837 tons- part of the P & O Stem Navigation Co fleet.
Originally taken over and converted to an armed merchant cruiser, she became a troopship in 1941.
Transported the personnel of MONAB VIII to Sydney, sailing from Liverpool July 7th 1945.
36,600 tons- flagship of the Holland-America Line.
Transported the personnel of MONAB VI to Sydney, sailing from Liverpool April 22nd 1945.
25,550 tons- part of the Union-Castle Mail Steamship Co. fleet.
Transported personnel of both MONAB V and TAMY 1 to Sydney, sailing from Liverpool February 18th 1945. A second journey was made to transport part of the personnel of MONAB VII to Sydney, departing Liverpool June 21st 1945.
23,500 Tons - operated by P&O Lines.
Transported RN personnel and their dependents home to the UK from Australia. First trip left Sydney in November 1945. Passengers included MONAB personnel released for demob and the members of several squadrons disbanded in Australia.
9,585 Tons operated by the Clan line
Transported the 1st Echelon of stores and equipment of TAMY 1 to Brisbane, sailing from Liverpool February 26s h1945 in Convoy UC.58A. Arrived Sydney April 2nd 1945.
10,492 Tons operated by the Clan line
Transported the stores and equipment of MONAB IV to Sydney, sailing from Liverpool on January 16th 1945 in convoy UC.53A. Arrived at Ponam Island 11th March 1945.
10,893 Tons, operated by the New Zealand Shipping and Federal Steam Navigation.
Transported the stores and equipment of MONAB V to Sydney, sailing from Liverpool February 26s h1945 in Convoy UC.58A. Arrived Sydney April 2nd 1945
EMPIRE ARQUEBUS Landing Ship Infantry, Large; Nothing further known about this vessel. Transported the main party of MONAB IV from Sydney to Ponam island, arriving on March 24th 1945.
9,875 Tons, Commandeered by Ministry of War Transport whilst under construction. Operated by the Canadian Pacific Steam Ship Co. as S.S. BEAVERBURN, 1946 - 1960.
Transported the stores and equipment of MONAB VI to Sydney, sailing from Liverpool May 1st 1945 in Convoy UC.65A (via Panama Canal). Arrived Sydney May 30th 1945.
Heavy lift transport vessel.
Evacuated the vehicles of MMATMU 7 from Ponam Island, sailing for Sydney October 16th 1945.
9,904 Tons, Commandeered by Ministry of War Transport whilst under construction. Operated by Royal Mail Lines as the S.S. LOCHRYAN, 1946-1960.
Transported the stores and equipment of MONAB VIII to Sydney, sailing from Liverpool July 31st 1945 (independent). Arrived Sydney September 3rd 1945.
Sailed from Sydney September th 1945 transporting MONAB VII to Hong Kong, arrived in the colony September 29th 1945.
7335 Tons Commandeered by Ministry of War Transport whilst under construction. Operated by the Ocean SS Co (A. Holt & Co) as the S.S. MEDON, 1946 -1963.
Transported the stores and equipment of MONAB VI to Sydney, sailing from Liverpool April 17 1945 in Convoy ON.297 (via Panama Canal). Arrived Sydney June 15th 1945.
11,062 Tons, operated by the New Zealand Shipping and Federal Steam Navigation.
Transported the stores and equipment of MONAB III to Sydney, sailing from Liverpool December 16yh 1944 in Convoy UC.49A
12,090 tons, operated by the New Zealand Shipping and Federal Steam Navigation.
Transported the 2nd Echelon of stores and equipment of TAMY 1, sailing from Liverpool March 18th 1945 in in Convoy UC.60B. Arrived Sydney April 21st 1945.
Nothing known about this vessel.
Transported the stores and equipment of MONAB II to Sydney, sailing from Liverpool December 8th 1944 in Convoy UC.48A
. Arrived Sydney January 14th 1945.
operated by the Aberdeen & Commonwealth Line
Transported the stores and equipment of MONAB VII to Sydney, sailing from Liverpool July 14, 1945 (independent). Arrived Brisbane, September 1st1945
11,145 Tons, operated by the New Zealand Shipping and Federal Steam Navigation.
Transported the stores and equipment of MONAB I to Sydney, sailing from Liverpool November 18th
1944 in Convoy UC.45B. Arrived Sydney December 24th 1944.
Nothing known about this vessel.
Transported the stores and equipment of MONAB VI to Sydney sailing from Liverpool April 27th 1945 in convoy OS.125/ KMS.100 (Via Suez Canal). Arrived Sydney June 10th 1945.
14,630 tons, Ameer class escort carrier. Pennant No: R303
Operated as part of the Air Train and carried part of MSRR 5 for maintenance of reserve aircraft. Transported MSR 6 to Ponam to join MONAB
IV, sailing from Sydney on May 18th 1945.
14,630 tons, Attacker class escort carrier. Pennant No: R306
Operated as part of the Air Train and carried part of MSR 5 for maintenance of reserve aircraft. Evacuated MMHU. 5 and other equipment form RNAS Ponam sailing for Sydney on October 31st 1945.
FORT EDMONTON 7,202 Tons. Stores Issuing Ship (Victualling)
Pennant No: B580.
Supplied MONAB IV at Ponam
FORT LANGLEY 7,285 Tons. Stores Issuing Ship (Air Stores)
Pennant No: B532. later RFA as A230.
Supplied MONAB IV at Ponam
13,400 tons, aircraft maintenance carrier. Pennant No: R76
Operated as part of the Air Train and carried the RN Forward Aircraft Pool to Pityilu, departing Sydney on June 16th 1945.
REAPER 14,630 tons, Ameer class escort carrier. Pennant No: (R311) A731 Transported the personnel and equipment of MSR 9 from Sydney to Hong Kong, sailing on September 28th 1945. Called at RNAS Ponam to embark ‘B' Flt of 1701 Squadron and their four Sea Otter aircraft, also for ferrying to HONG Kong. Arrived at Hong Kong October 11th 1945.
14,630 tons, Ameer class escort carrier. Pennant No: R313
Transported MONAB VIII from Sydney to Hong Kong, sailing on September 5 1945.
Transported the personnel of MONAB IV home to the UK, sailing from Sydney on November 10th 1945.
14,630 tons, Ameer class escort carrier. Pennant No: R314
Delivered second echelon of .SR 4 to Ponam Island, arriving March 13th 1945.
14,630 tons, Attacker class escort carrier. Pennant No: (R315) A460
Operated as part of the Air Train and carried part of MSR 3 for maintenance of reserve aircraft.
20300 tons aircraft repair and re-supply carrier. Pennant No: R72
Operated as part of the Air Train and carried part of MSR 4 for a time before disembarking the unit to Ponam Island in late February. Later operated part of MSR 3 & 5 for maintenance of reserve aircraft during separate fleet operations. Withdrew the Forward Aircraft Pool sailing from Pityilu on September 17th 1945 bound for Sydney. Evacuated MSR 4 from Ponam to Sydney, sailing from Ponam on October 9th. Returned on the 24th to evacuate remaining equipment and personnel from Ponam when MONAB IV paid off, arriving in Sydney on November 6th 1945.
13,455 tons escort carrier. Pennant No: R319
Evacuated MSR 6 from Ponam 26 September 1945, returning the unit to Sydney
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