Acronyms are abbreviations that can be pronounced as a new word and are usually spelled with capital letters. They are typically formed by using the first letter of each word in a phrase to form a new word. Similarly, abbreviations, usually of titles, use the first letter of each word in a phrase but cannot be pronounced as a new word.
A.D.D.L. Aerodrome Dummy Deck Landings – practice carrier landings on specially equipped runways at selected Naval Air Stations
A.F.O. Admiralty Fleet Orders, official promulgations of Admiralty instructions and announcements issued to RN ships.
CA.F.O. Confidential Admiralty Fleet Orders, limited distribution official promulgations of Admiralty instructions and announcements issued to RN ships.
C.A.G. Carrier Air Group
Commander/Lt. Commander (F) A Commander or Lieutenant. Commander, in charge of flying operations at an RN Air Station or on an aircraft carrier.
Commander/Lt. Commander (S) A Commander or Lt. Commander, in charge of Naval and Air Stores at a naval establishment.
C.V.E. Carrier-Vessel-Escort. American classification for US built escort carriers which were converted merchant hulls pressed into war service. Also affectionately known as 'Woolworth' carriers.
D.L.T. Deck Landing Training, practice landings carried out on an aircraft carrier at sea
F.O.N.A. Flag Officer Naval Air Stations (Australia) The Admiral responsible for naval aviation facilities within Australia. F.O.N.A.P. Flag Officer Naval Air (Pacific) – the Admiral in overall charge of the naval air matters within the Pacific theatre of war.
F.R.U. Fleet Requirements Unit
M.A.T.M.U. Mobile Air Torpedo Maintenance Unit, a sub component of a MONAB tasked with torpedo servicing and supply. These units where attached to MONABs supporting disembarked TBR (Torpedo, Bomber, and Reconnaissance) Squadrons.
M.M. Mobile Maintenance, a sub component of a MONAB tasked with aircraft repair by parts replacement, and the repair & overhaul of aircraft components.
M.N.A.O. Mobile Naval Airfields Organisation, the Headquarters and parent unit for Mobile units whilst forming in the UK.
M.O.N.A.B. Mobile Naval Air Base or Mobile Operational Naval Air Base – both are valid explanations but the former was widely used in A.F.O.s
M.R. Mobile Repair, a sub component of a MONAB tasked with carrying out repairs above those handled by an M.M. unit, but below the level requiring the attention of an aircraft repair yard.
M.S. Maintenance Servicing, a sub component of a MONAB tasked with performing routine daily servicing of aircraft.
M.S.R. Maintenance, Storage & Reserve, a sub component of a MONAB tasked with maintaining and storing reserve aircraft, each unit being equipped & stored to hold 50 aircraft.
M.V. Motor Vessel
N.A.R.I.U. Naval Air Radio Installation Unit
R.A.A.F. Royal Australian Air Force
R.A.N.A.S. Royal Australian Naval Air Station
R.N.A.E. Royal Naval Air Establishment R.N.A.S. Royal Naval Air Station
S.N.O.M.N.A.O. Senior Naval Officer Mobile Naval Airfields Organisation - the Commanding offer HMS Flycatcher
S.S. Steam Ship
T.A.M.Y. Transportable Aircraft Maintenance Yard, a more specialised form of MONAB, capable of carrying out major aircraft repairs and inspections.
T.B.R. Torpedo, Bomber, and Reconnaissance
A 'No Badge PO ' A man who had been promoted to Petty Officer before being awarded his first Good Conduct Badge (awarded after 3 years full service, up to a maximum of 3 badges)
Dhobeying Naval slang for doing laundry.
‘Dhobey Whaller’ Anyone detailed to do laundry, especially a messman or native servant.
‘Killick’ Slang for a Leading Hand
Rum Bosun The person in charge of issuing the says tot to the ships' company.
The ‘Andrew’ Colloquial term for the Royal Navy The
'Jaunty' Colloquial term for the Master at Arms, the senior Nom commissioned officer in charge of discipline.
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